ACMA Trends is different from any other market research database. When you subscribe to ACMA Trends, you'll have access to tens of thousands of metrics to answer your most pressing questions.
With ACMA Trends, you won't have to comb through hundreds of pages in a PDF report. You'll be able to access the most robust database of life science industry metrics and benchmarks.
the number of data points, metrics and benchmarks available in the ACMA Insight database
the number of life sciences companies that have contributed data to the database
number of years of information covered within the database
regions covered in the database, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and MENA
key life sciences areas covered by the data, including medical affairs, market access and commercialization
number of industry benchmarking studies whose findings compose the ACMA Insight database
We compiled the ACMA Trends database through primary market research methodologies. Life sciences professionals and leaders provided this data to the ACMA directly through surveys on a multitude of topics. We then developed the ACMA Insight database from the verified, aggregated data sets.
We've turned the traditional approach to market research on its head. When you subscribe to ACMA Trends, you'll have access to a complete library of benchmarking data that you control. No static PDF files or PowerPoint presentations to sift through. You decide what data you want to analyze and ACMA Insight will do the rest.
Create detailed reports quickly to compile information that's ready to present. Track the data you're most interested on customized dashboards. ACMA Trends is available on all devices, including mobile devices, for your convenience.
Make ACMA Trends your go-to resource for actionable industry market research and benchmarks.