Prior Auth HCP Support Program

Help HCPs and their staff minimize Prior Auth Denials

Streamline patient access to important medicines and reduce treatment delays


Build better HCP relationships with ACMA educational & digital resources

Partner with the ACMA to help you provide your external stakeholders with prior authorization educational resources to help minimize prior authorization denials


ACMA prior auth support program™

Prior Auth Programs by the ACMA are educational programs that are designed to educate and engage HCPs, prior authorization specialists, biological coordinators, and staff with key prior authorization insights, and access to education and information to help minimize prior authorization denials, improve market access, drive medication adherence and ultimately improve outcomes.

Overcome barriers to treatment adherence by reducing the prior auth burden

Streamline patient care and improve treatment outcomes by minimizing delays and administrative hurdles associated with prior authorizations, making it easier for patients to adhere to prescribed therapies.

The Prior Authorization Certified Specialist Program (PACS)

The PACS program is the industry standard for prior authorization professionals.



The premier educational resource for prior authorization professionals to help them compliantly and securely answer questions about prior authorization, reimbursement and more


Engage & support your HCP stakeholders

Ease the emotional, physical and financial burdens patients face due to prior authorization denials

HCP Support services with hyper-personalized, scalable solutions. Go beyond traditional HCP engagement by providing supportive educational expertise from an accredited organization like the ACMA.

Minimize prior authorization denials & improve delivery excellence to provide a seamless patient experience and improve outcomes.

Contact us to learn more